I have been lucky enough to have lived by this beautiful beach for the last 8 years. It has seen me at my best and at my absolute worst, but no matter what it always makes me feel grounded 🙏
Don’t let shoulds and shouldn’t haves lead your life
This is my mind. Always filled with shoulds and shouldn’ts. Next time you tell yourself ‘I should’, pause and think for a minute. Who is telling you how you should and shouldn’t live your life? Often it’s our inner voice, critiquing and measuring ourselves against others based on an ideal of success. But who makes the rules? You are on your own path. There is no right or wrong way to walk it.
If you catch yourself thinking this way, stop and ask yourself is that really serving you? Is it what you really want? Imagine the power of living your life without critique or judgement from your harshest critic. Try replacing should with I want. I can. I am.