Don’t let shoulds and shouldn’t haves lead your life

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This is my mind. Always filled with shoulds and shouldn’ts. Next time you tell yourself ‘I should’, pause and think for a minute. Who is telling you how you should and shouldn’t live your life? Often it’s our inner voice, critiquing and measuring ourselves against others based on an ideal of success. But who makes the rules? You are on your own path. There is no right or wrong way to walk it.

If you catch yourself thinking this way, stop and ask yourself is that really serving you? Is it what you really want? Imagine the power of living your life without critique or judgement from your harshest critic. Try replacing should with I want. I can. I am.

The hard decision of putting off growing our family

My son and I, 1 and a half years ago

Here I am, back in the thick grey fog of depression again. I haven’t posted in a while. It’s easy to forget what it’s like to be back here when you have periods of happiness and normalcy, but when it inevitably returns it brings back all these horrible memories and fear and trauma. For ages (since my last bout of depression about a year ago, when I was off all meds post pregnancy) I had been on 150mg of venlafaxine and lithium, then over a few months I weaned off to 75mg and dropped my lithium altogether. I also came off the contraceptive pill. Riley was 1 and a half and we decided the timing was right to try for another baby. I felt strong, and stable, and content.

This year has been a bitch. Jonno’s Mum was in hospital from January to May undergoing and recovering from her stem cell transplant, her only hope of surviving leukaemia. She had complication after complication and was in and out of ICU. A few times we nearly lost her. In February we decided to accept an offer on our house and had a 3 week settlement to move back to the house attached to my Husband’s work. It made sense financially, but it has been tough going from a beautiful new house that we poured our heart and soul into to a 100 year old house that lacks sunlight or a pleasing aesthetic. All three of us got horrible strep throat in the middle of that and Jonno got so sick that he went to hospital via ambulance. Right before the move we found out the exciting news that I was pregnant, and 4 days later I unfortunately had a miscarriage. That was really hard to go through. It’s amazing how excited you can get in such a short time, and you can see your future ahead of you. Then suddenly it all fell apart. But despite all the stress of the year I felt stable.

Then throughout March as the weather started to turn colder, I started to notice my passion for work was waining. I started to question whether the workload was worth the love I have for it, and question myself if I should be staying home with Riley more. I was missing him and work had lost its spark. Then on March 27 I got Covid, and I got real sick. I had no energy, dizziness and brain fog. But on top of all of that, I felt low. I didn’t want to do anything. Everything felt like a chore and I would rather just sleep. It felt like I was depressed. But could I be? One minute everything was fine, and now life felt a bit off. Was reducing my meds finally catching up with me? Was being isolated at home getting me down? Was the change of season making me feel blue? I do hate when summer ends. I started dreading the thought of going downhill again. Will I ever escape the inevitable hold of depression for once and for all?

After weeks of feeling this way, I went back to my GP. She said the drop in meds and going off lithium which had worked really well for me was likely causing my depression. But I really didn’t want to go back on lithium. I knew it was a high-risk drug with pregnancy and it wasn’t a risk I was willing to take. And I wanted another baby. Jonno said if it came down to it, he would rather I go back on all my meds and be happy than to struggle with my mental health to conceive. I saw his point, but I wasn’t done. I didn’t want Riley to be an only child. I felt like he needed a little mate, and I longed to grow our little family and be a baby mum again.

My mood continued to get lower and lower. So I got back in touch with Doctor Gary, an amazing Psychiatrist I have seen on and off for years. He suggested I take lamotrigine, which was a mood stabiliser the same as lithium but it was safe enough to take during pregnancy. I was hopeful and keen to give it a try. I had to start on the lowest dose, increasing it every 2 weeks until it got to therapeutic level. This was going to take a few months.

But over time, life got worse. My Mother-in-Law passed away, which was really tough and still is. Personally, not only was I experiencing depression, but my anxiety had set back in too. I was finding it really hard to go to work, and the normal stressors and pace of the job was overwhelming me. Every time I had to stay late for meetings or professional development, I despised the fact that I hadn’t seen my son all day and I would only see him for 2 hours in the evening if I was lucky. I was also experiencing a lot of self-doubt as a teacher, constantly not feeling like I was doing a good enough job. After lots of thought, I decided to resign. That was hard, leaving my class of 10 and 11 year olds in the middle of the year that were much more fond on me than I realised. I felt guilty, but kept telling myself I had to put myself and my mental health first.

Soon after, I accepted and started a teacher aide job at a local school just down the road. There was no commute, the hours were set at 5 hours a day which would mean more quality time with my son, and I could have some time to work on helping myself. I looked forward to the freedom of being able to have the time to work out again, and not managing a ridiculous workload that would interfere with my family time.

I started, and within a few days I realised I had made a mistake. The class was year 1-3, the behaviours were hard, the children didn’t listen to me or even their own teacher, and most of all the work was dull. Transitioning from a job that was fast paced, creative and challenging to doing a lot of sitting around while the teacher taught felt like a huge demotion. While it ticked a lot of boxes on paper, this was not the job for me. My anxiety about going to work was at an all time high, and my depression was worsening. A week and a half into the job, I resigned.

What now? I put myself on the reliever app and have done a few days here and there. But relieving is hard. You go into a new school where you don’t know anyone or the students names, and because you don’t have those relationships the kids can be hard to manage. Suddenly I missed my old job, where I had colleagues and great relationships with my students. It gave me purpose. I feel stupid for throwing my job of 4.5 years away, and above all I feel completely lost. My depression spiralled further. Yesterday, I cried for half the day. I couldn’t pull myself out of it. Other days I feel numb, and worthless, and like I don’t want to get out of bed at all. My depression is also wanting me to spend less time with my son, because it’s hard enough looking after myself let alone an emotional toddler. I feel really bad about that, like a shitty mother. My negative thoughts about my life and self are dark and relentless. I feel like a failure.

So here I am, 2 days out from a long awaited appointment with Dr Gary. I need help, and obviously the lamotrigine isn’t working for me. I know I need to go back on lithium, I’ve known that for a while. But Riley is turning two this week, and going back on it puts conceiving a baby off the cards for now. Will I ever be able to come off it and be stable enough to have another baby? I always wanted two children close in age, and as time goes on the potential age gap gets further and further apart. I feel gutted, but I can’t go on like this. I am barely holding it together for my son as it is, and continuing like this is no life. Happiness is the number one goal, and I can see the stress this is putting on my husband and my family. So I have decided to talk to Gary about going back on lithium. I have to prioritise my mental health and stability. I have to count my blessings, and come to terms with the fact that I may only be able to parent one child. And I’m sure he would prefer a happy Mum than a new sibling.

Letting go of myths of what Mums ‘should’ be


My Mum is the best Mum in the world. When we were little she devoted her life to us kids. She was a stay at home Mum until we went to school, and after that she only worked during school hours and didn’t miss a single talent quest or fun run. She sewed us the most amazing costumes for Halloween and parties. She threw the best birthday parties and made beautiful themed cakes from scratch. In fact she even made our lunches right until we finished high school. As an adult she still spoils us for birthdays and Christmas’ as though we’re still her little girls. She recently told me that being a stay at home Mum was the best job in the world she couldn’t have imagined anyone else looking after us when we were little. I always thought I was going to be the same. That’s why it was so hard when I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t enjoying being a stay at home Mum.

At first I loved it. I told colleagues I couldn’t dream of coming back to work. Our days we’re spent cuddling, breastfeeding, walking in the pram, taking photos (like 100 photos a day, no kidding), getting to know each other. When Riley was little he would happily chill in his rocker and I could do little things for me, like paint or craft next to him. But at some point after about 6 months of being home together, something gradually changed. The novelty started to wear off. He became more mobile (and a hazard to himself) and needed more entertaining, and suddenly I had no time for me. The days started getting repetitive and I would desperately watch the clock waiting for my husband to get home. I missed adult conversation. The stay at home Mum life wasn’t for me anymore. I needed more stimulation. I wanted to go back to work.

But I didn’t think I wanted to go back to teaching. I missed it but I wasn’t ready to put Riley in to care. So I got a job as a Day Care teacher where he could come with me. It was perfect, on paper. I could get out of the house and still look after Riley whilst getting paid for it. But after a few weeks I quickly realised it wasn’t for me. Changing nappies, feeding bottles, settling babies to sleep… this was not the career I was passionate about and trained so hard for. I was bored and unsatisfied. The 6 hour days dragged on forever. Around this time my principal called and wanted a decision on whether I would be returning to my teaching job when my one year maternity leave was up. I started reminiscing about how much I loved my old job. Getting to run my own classroom and look after 25 odd kids. Teaching them and seeing the learning click. Thinking on my toes in a dynamic, ever changing environment. Catching up with my old work mates. I loved my job. But I couldn’t go back, could I? That would mean putting Riley into day care without me. I told him I needed time to think about it.

This is where all these narratives about motherhood came up. Narratives that had been deeply set in my mind from childhood, whether from societal expectations or my own upbringing. My internal dialogue told me I should want to be with my baby all the time. The baby should always come first. A good Mother is a stay at home Mother. The baby should have completed my life.

I looked at all my antenatal friends who were either stay at home Mums or working part time. I looked at Mums I knew on social media, and a lot of them were stay at home Mums. I felt deeply guilty, and like something was wrong with me. Being a Mum was enough for all these women, so why did I want more?

After days of thinking it over I began to rewrite those narratives in my head. I love my baby as much as the next Mother. My happiness is important too. I can be a great Mum and have a job I love. If I’m happy I will be a better Mum. 

I called my principal and said yes. And I’m really excited to go back in 2 months’ time. I will miss Riley when he’s in day care but I think it will make our time together that much more special. 

Blog #5 Stay At Home Mum Syndrome

I recently learned the acronym SAHM (for all those in the dark like me it stand for Stay At Home Mum). Shortly after I learned about Stay At Home Mum Depression and I can tell you it feels like such a relief that my experience is common enough to have a name. However, I prefer to call it ‘SAHM Syndrome’.

My Instagram feed paints a perfect picture of our little world…Riley sharing my real fruit ice cream, looking like a koala in my front pack pouch, gazing up into my eyes…

But these beautiful highlights are separated by huge lengths of time. Minutes where I watch the clock and wonder how I’m going to fill each hour, hours of not talking to another adult, days of sitting alone with my thoughts and feeling like I’m not the best Mum I can be.

Who am I? I’m a Mum. I’m Wife. I’m a homemaker. Who was I? I was a Teacher, a colleague, a problem solver; a busy adult functioning in society. This was only 7 short months ago; how’s that for a sudden change in identity!

As a Teacher I earned my keep, and I was damn good at my job. My work was dynamic and highly stimulating. Every day was different and I thrived on having to think on the spot. Now my days are a repeating cycle of feeds, nappy changes, nap times, and chores.

But on the flip side I get to watch my baby grow. Im there for every smile, every little milestone. Being a Mum is the best thing that ever happened to me. So why is this gig not enough for me? I ask myself this countless times a day with a supersized side of Mum guilt. Why am I finding being a SAHM so hard when other women cherish it? How can I love him so much but at the same time want more?

The fact is, I’m not alone. Not by a long shot. SAHM Depression/Syndrome is real.

Some Stay At Home Mums are lonely. So lonely that there is a Tinder-esque app to help Mum’s connect with one another. Some SAHMs are bored. It doesn’t mean they don’t love their babies more than anything, it just means that their new role is less stimulating than what they’re used to. Some Stay At Home Mums are tired. They don’t get to leave their work at work, they are on the clock 24/7. They sleep lightly and never switch off. Some SAHMs are under appreciated. They shake off the loaded question “what do you do, or are you just a stay at home Mum?” and work tirelessly for often no gratification.

And I write this knowing I do not speak for everyone. I know there are Stay At Home Mums (and Dads) out there that love every part of their role and couldn’t think of doing anything else. And honestly, I envy those parents, because I always dreamed of being one of them. But for those that need to hear it, please find solace in the fact that you are not alone. Your feelings are valid, and you are trying to navigate a massive life change the best that you can. These feelings do not make you a bad parent – they make you human.

Blog #4 My depression diagnosis and recovery

When we’re sick we go to the doctor. We take time off work. We might even post about it on social media #poorme. But when we’re mentally unwell, we hide it from the world. No matter how terrible we feel or how long it goes on for, we try and put on a brave face and push through. At least I did. This is why people with depression feel like they’re the only ones feeling the way they do. Although one in seven people living in NZ will experience depression is their lifetime, it seems to take place largely behind closed doors.

It has taken me seven years to get to this point. To come out the other side and feel distanced enough from my depression to talk about it. I’ve only recently started talking more openly about my battle, but most of you reading this would have no idea how low I’ve been. Part of me is terrified of what people will think of me, and part of me has a huge desire to share my story to help others.

I am 6 months post-partum and the happiest I’ve ever been. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful son, amazing family and friends, a rewarding career – I love my life. Seven years ago I was diagnosed with depression, and five years ago I was so low I was struggling to get out of bed for months on end, and wondering how I could possibly go on living.

I’ll start from the beginning. In 2014 I was living in Lower Hutt with my partner (now husband) and was generally happy with my life. I was 22 years old, fresh out of uni and working full time as a marketing manager at a job I enjoyed. I loved socialising with my partner and friends and partying on the weekends. But something started to shift. I was suddenly tired all the time. I started making excuses to opt out of social events. I grew overly self conscious and critical of myself. I started not wanting to go to work, go to the gym, go anywhere really. Convinced I needed a change, I quit my great job for a less exciting but reasonably higher paying one that was closer to home. I surprised myself by getting it, and felt like they made the wrong decision hiring me. And as it turns out, they did.

I only lasted a week. The change of job bought on sudden and massive anxiety, and I could barely function. I had never experienced anything like it. I would count down the hours until my lunch break so I could go sit alone in my car. I would call my husband in tears, not knowing how I was going to go back in. I felt so out of my depth, like an imposter. I was extremely emotional and hating on myself for feeling like I was failing. I wasn’t eating or sleeping properly. I was exhausted. I went to the doctor for my anxiety and scored highly on the depression questionnaire. How could I be depressed? I had always been a happy person, I had a good life. I reluctantly accepted the anti-depressants purely because they were meant to help with my anxiety. When my parents came to visit from out of town, I did my best to act normal. However, on their last night I broke down and admitted the state I was in, and told them I couldn’t continue my job. The next day I rang HR and resigned, blaming chronic fatigue syndrome (something I had been researching and was convinced I had at the time, completely in denial about my depression). I felt like the world’s biggest failure. A few days later, I caught a bus home to my parent’s house in Rotorua where I spent a month feeling unbelievably sad, exhausted, tearful, and wondering what the hell I was going to do with my life. I slept. A LOT. Getting ready for the day was a massive effort. I didn’t want to talk to or see anyone. If I did, I just wound up crying. I told my close friends that I had chronic fatigue and was rightfully feeling down about that, and avoided talking about all the other stuff that was going on.

A month passed, and I was feeling a little better. I decided to go home to my partner who I was missing terribly. For a while I was in limbo, feeling this huge pressure to move forward with my life but not wanting to do anything. I guess the antidepressants started to work, as when my partner’s parents offered me a part time office job at their motel/campground business in Otaki Beach I accepted. I commuted there a few times a week for casual shifts and gradually started to feel like a human again. I still talked about having chronic fatigue, though I began to realise more and more that it was just a front for my depression. It was still really hard to talk about, and I only really confided my whole truth to my partner who had become my rock. I had good days and bad days, but I gradually started feeling like the old me.

A few months later, we decided to move our lives to Otaki when we got offered to run the business full time and live in the attached house rent free. I did most of the work while my husband recovered from surgery, then as he recovered he did he took on more of the work. We enjoyed working together but soon realised it was really a one man job, and I was wanting to get back on track. I found a part time job, and as I felt increasingly better I increased my hours at work and lowered the dose of my anti-depressants. I figured I didn’t need them anymore, and hated the fact I was on medication because of the whole stigma around it. I was doing marketing for a family business locally, working from their garage-come-office. I enjoyed it and felt pretty good, though I knew it wasn’t a forever job and I was capable of more. I got engaged in March 2017 and I was thrilled. A few months later, the relationship with my employers turned sour, and one day I suddenly quit.

By now I had decreased by meds from a pretty high dose to a very low one. I spent a few months back helping out at the camp, and eventually the depression started creeping back in. Before I knew it, I was in the worst depression of my life. We were due to be married in March the following year (which I had been super excited about), and at this point I was struggling to get out of bed in the morning. I dreaded being awake. I felt this unfathomable sadness that manifested in every part of my body. There was a constant physical pain in my chest, a heaviness that just wouldn’t lift. I didn’t want to get out of bed, I didn’t want to shower, I didn’t want to get dressed, I didn’t want to talk on the phone, I didn’t want to watch TV, I didn’t want to cook dinner or even eat. The most simple everyday tasks that most of us take for granted were such a mammoth effort for me. I tried explaining it to my partner: “I used to live, now I just exist.” On top of all that I didn’t like myself. I felt useless for not having a job, being depressed, that I hadn’t made any friends in Otaki and that I just couldn’t snap out of it. I felt guilty that my partner had to deal with me, a complete shell of who I once was. I lost my identity, and any ounce of confidence I once had. I even convinced myself my friends didn’t like me (why would they, I didn’t like me). I think I told them I was a little down, but largely I hid my depression like it was this huge embarrassing secret. My fiancé and family convinced me all these feelings were just the depression talking, and that I was very loved. They were truely amazing and I was so lucky to have the support I did. I knew logically that I had a lot to live for, that my life was likely to get better… but in the middle of depression, when every day feels like the worst day of your life and then you have to do it all over again tomorrow, you begin to lose all hope. I wasn’t suicidal, but I didn’t want to be alive like this.

I tried everything to feel better. I spent hours in bed researching depression and reading case studies. I learned how to help myself. I knew I needed Vitamin D and exercise, so I would spend some time outside each day, and force myself to walk my dog regularly. I ate healthy, I cut down on alcohol, I forced myself to keep on living and do the things I used to love, even though it was so damn hard to find the will. Nothing felt like it was working. I went to the doctor multiple times and started seeing a councillor. They put my meds back up to the higher dose and told me to do everything I already knew. Months passed, and I spent more time asleep that awake, merely existing, wishing the days away.

Then at some point, things SLOWLY started to improve. Tasks weren’t so impossibly hard anymore, and I found enjoyment in some things. I thought it was time to get back to work (typical type A personality), so I applied for and got a marketing job at a local council. I needed something I was good at, something to keep my mind busy. Unfortunately it was the most boring job I ever had, and I was crippled with anxiety again. In hindsight, it was too soon and not a great fit. It was a new role where I had to look after their social media accounts. That probably took up an hour of my day. For the other seven, I tried to look busy and act normal (whereas on the inside I felt on the verge of having a panic attack). I was still recovering from depression so being in an open office with 50-odd new people, with diminished confidence and no idea what I was meant to be doing was the perfect mix for my anxiety. I dreaded going to work. I dreaded walking to my desk. I dreaded asking my boss a question. I was living in a constant state of fight or flight, it was awful. By now, I began seeing an amazing mental health physiologist in Levin, and he put me on some anti-anxiety medication. Eventually I got it under control. The depression continued to improve too, and I was less down on myself and more down on my job situation. I did some hard thinking. What was the best job I ever had? It was when I was a nanny, hands down. After some thought I applied for the Primary Teaching diploma at Vic Uni for the following year and got in! For the first time in ages I was excited about something. A few months later as the year drew to a close, I resigned. I worked out my notice and never looked back. I had never been so happy to put a year behind me.

2018 was a good year. I got married (the best day of my life) and I loved being back at uni. I made new friends for the first time in years. I went to the gym, I socialised, I enjoyed living again. But this time, I stayed on my high dose of antidepressants, knowing how quickly I went down hill last time. I had two really successful placements in local schools, and I knew I had made the right choice. I loved teaching!

In 2019 I landed a full time job at a school in Levin, and went straight in the deep end in sole-charge of my own class of 31 kids! It was amazing. I had never had a job so challenging and rewarding. My husband and I bought some land in Otaki Beach and designed and built our dream house (ok not DREAM house, but dream within the parameters of our budget). We did heaps of it ourselves and moved in a week before Christmas.

2020 was another awesome year at work, with a whole new set of unique kids to teach. My personal life was great, and my mental health was stable. My husband and I started talking about trying for a baby. But in the back of my mind all I could think about was the fact I’d have to come off my antidepressants. I didn’t even research it, but I knew there were so many foods you couldn’t eat while pregnant…if sushi wasn’t safe, surely anti depressants were off the table. Would I spiral back to where I was? How could I look after a baby if I couldn’t even look after myself? Was I predisposed to postnatal depression? After months of worrying, I finally went back to my psychologist in Levin and talked about my mental health regarding making and growing a baby. To my surprise he advised me that the medication I was on was safe to take throughout pregnancy, but recommended I get down to a lower dose to be on the safe side. To say I was relieved would be a massive understatement! I felt confident I would be fine on a lower dose as everything in my life was good and stable. So over the next few months I decreased my medication incrementally until I was on the second to lowest dose (I did this gradually as changing your dose suddenly can have horrible side effects, but more on this in another blog). I felt good. Mid 2020 we started trying for a baby, and in November we fell pregnant! We were thrilled.

During my pregnancy I suffered from horrible nausea, and from around 14 weeks gestation until the day our son was born I threw up multiple times a day. I was so sick that I ended up 5kgs lighter at full term than my pre-pregnant weight! Somehow I managed to continue teaching full time until I was 8 months pregnant (bucket under my desk and all). As my pregnancy progressed I grew less and less concerned about my depression returning, as I was feeling really good mentally. I was so excited to have this baby! On the 7th of August 2021 our beautiful son Riley was born, and we were instantly in love.

I am now 6 months postpartum and happier than ever. Being a Mum is the best thing in the world. Despite some huge challenges and adjustments since Riley was born, my depression has stayed away. I am still on my medication and breastfeeding, under the advice of my Psychologist that it is completely safe to do so. Riley is thriving and developing every day, and I have never been so happy and content.

I was recently talking to a friend that also has a history of depression about the shame we both used to experience with our diagnosis and taking medication for it. She told me something that really stuck with me:

Humans weren’t designed to live like this. We were meant to live in tribes with our sole focus on survival, raising our babies and hunting and gathering our food. We aren’t designed to live in a capitalist world, living separately in our own little houses, working high stress jobs to pay our rent/mortgages/bills. Life is way more chaotic than it was meant to be, it’s no wonder so many people have depression and other mental health issues.

That got me thinking. Most of us do live in such an advanced world, and every day we use manmade things to make our lives better and easier: antibiotics, reading glasses, vitamins…they all serve a purpose. We wouldn’t think twice about using those. So why should we feel bad about taking antidepressants? They were made for a reason, and we are lucky to live in a time where they are available to us. So no, I’m no longer going to be ashamed to pick up my prescription. I’m no longer going to feel bad for taking something that potentially helped to save my life. Instead I’m going to be grateful that I have found something that works for me, and grateful for my happiness and health. Because at the end of the day, that is everything.

Blog #3. Words you can drop into every day conversation to make your Mum friends think you’re smart.

Bravado – “And then he just rolled off the couch and didn’t shed a tear – such bravado!”

Camaraderie – “I feel such camaraderie when we all walk our prams in a row like this.”

Effeminate – “My 8 month old is not very effeminate, maybe she’ll be a tom-boy.”

Exorbitantly – “Yes goats milk is exorbitantly more expensive, but at least he’s no longer terrified to give birth to a massive log every fourth day.”

Dishevelled – “Of course I look dishevelled Frank, your daughter was up for 7 feeds last night!”

Euphemism – “The doctor said he was a portly boy, which Google says is a euphemism for chunky.”

Fiasco – “She didn’t want milk when we left home, then started screaming for it mid-grocery shop. Then my boobs leaked everywhere. Talk about a fiasco!”

Gregarious – “He is so gregarious, if we’re not including him in our conversation he fake coughs ‘til we do.”

Idyllic – “I had an idyllic view of childbirth before I went through it. It involved a lot more breathing exercises and a lot less bodily fluids.”

Insidious – “Since she’s started solids her gas is insidious – it clears a room!”

Mantra – “I have a new mantra to get me through the day: It’s only X hours until wine o’clock.”

Minimalistic – “I used to be quite minimalistic, now we’re thinking of upsizing our house to accomodate all our baby’s belongings.”

Ogle – “‘I’m up here’ I told him as he ogled my suddenly exposed breast.”

Precocious – “My son is so precocious. He was only 6 weeks old when he found his willy, now he wont leave it alone!”

Unsolicited – “Thanks so much for the unsolicited advice, but I can’t really sleep when the baby only naps for 30 minutes and the house is a shit show.”

Vicariously – “I watch my child at every Ju Jitsu, ballet and horse riding lesson because I like to live vicariously through them.”

Blog #2. “Enjoy every moment”

“Enjoy every moment.” Out of all the unsolicited advise I’ve been given, this has to take the cake for the hardest one to swallow.

For two reasons:

  1. It’s fucking hard work. Woven throughout all the amazing, beautiful moments are the difficult, soul-crushing moments that leave you feeling like a shell of a human being. No, I don’t enjoy hearing my baby wake up crying when I’ve just put my shampoo in my hair and he’s only been asleep for 15 minutes. Nor did I enjoy when my three month old baby had an unknown cow’s milk intolerance and would scream in pain for half an hour multiple times a day and I thought this is what my new life was going to be. I especially didn’t enjoy the 4 month sleep regression when my baby woke up 6-8 times a night, ravenous for my milk. Those are not the moments I will look back on fondly and wish could’ve last forever. Those are the moments (or minutes or hours) I’m glad we got through alive. They make the good times all the more sweeter. So no, geriatric lady in the Kmart aisle, I will not enjoy every god damn moment! If you think you would, you try going through the self-checkout while trying to soothe a hungry baby whose cries can be heard across the whole store. Then look me in the eye tell me it was enjoyable.
  2. Whenever someone tells me to enjoy every moment (I couldn’t begin to count the times), it is usually followed by “it goes so fast”. This reminds me of the fleetingness and fragility of life. As a new Mum, I have never thought about death so much in my nearly 30 years on earth. Mums are bombarded with propaganda about SIDS, how to safely bath your baby to avoid them slipping, how to sleep your baby so the blankets won’t suffocate them etc. A news article pops up on TV about a baby being found in a recycling bin or a child going missing on a camping trip and we are triggered. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking about losing my baby way too often that I’d like to admit. Even looking back through the thousand-odd photos I’ve taken since Riley was born sometimes makes my chest ache. How can he have changed and grown so much in just 5 short months? Will it really all go this fast?

So please – unless someone explicitly asks you for advice, just tell them their baby is cute and move on people. And be a decent human-being and practise social distancing for god’s sake!

Blog #1. 20 things I took for granted before having a baby

  1. Being able to eat whenever I’m hungry.
  2. Being able to drink whenever I’m thirsty.
  3. Going to the toilet with the door shut.
  4. Taking a long, relaxing shower without being gawked at or praying the baby won’t wake until you’ve washed your conditioner out.
  5. Having perky boobs that don’t leak, ache and unwittingly flash strangers when your baby unlatches in public.
  6. Sleeping without the sound of white noise or the “gallop went the little green frog” song stuck in your head.
  7. Not battling your partner over who is more tired.
  8. Using two hands to complete two-handed tasks.
  9. Leaving the house without bottles, milk powder, pre-boiled water, nappies, nappy bags, wipes, change mat, toys, bibs, Bonjella, sunhat, a change of clothes, the capsule and pram…oh and the baby.
  10. Having shaved legs, straighened hair and plucked eyebrows.
  11. Starting any task knowing that there’s a 65% chance you could be interrupted at any moment, then forgetting what you were doing in the first place.
  12. Going on a stress free holiday without playing car Tetris with every thing your baby owns.
  13. Having a tidy lounge that doesn’t look like a unicorn just threw up.
  14. Not being phased about what time your partner will be home from work.
  15. Sleeping in past 7am. Even on a Sunday.
  16. Thinking that you could sleep when the baby sleeps.
  17. Wearing tops or dresses without buttons so your ravenous milk guzzler has easy access.
  18. Doing the groceries (or anything in public) without a level of urgency.
  19. Having a drink or two without clock-watching to make sure you don’t accidentally feed your baby a pina-colada.
  20. Being spontaneous.